Monday, June 30, 2014

With the dam removed, steelhead will gain unimpaired access to 25 miles of spawning and rearing habitats

Carmel River  Up from Hiding Camp
"Existing dams and river diversions have wiped out vital habitat, decimating fish populations and pushing numerous aquatic species to the brink of extinction. Reservoirs are silting up."

"The San Clemente Dam on the Carmel River, is coming down. It's the biggest dam removal project in the state, and it's on schedule. The river is being rerouted for half a mile, while the sediment behind the dam gets consolidated and secured. As the dam is dismantled piece by piece, the natural flow should be restored by October or November 2015.

With the dam removed, steelhead will gain unimpaired access to 25 miles of spawning and rearing habitats. Carmel Beach sand will be replenished, and the habitat for the red-legged frogs will be restored.

We are beginning to learn, if only the hard way, that it is wiser to adjust to nature than to conquer it."

From: Gone Tubin'
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