Historically a cattle ranch, much of the land was donated by the Hastings family. Most of the present buildings still in use were built between the 1860s and 1950s.
Hastings is a part of the UC Natural Reserve System... and has been a biological field station of the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology (MVZ), University of California Berkeley since 1937.
Located about 26 river miles upstream of the Pacific on the Carmel River watershed, Hastings includes the confluence of three seasonal creeks that feed into Finch Creek, and then the Carmel River. Immediately adjacent to Hastings are a complex of vernal pools and springs that support the endangered Red-legged Frog and one of the few coastal populations of the federally listed, endemic California tiger salamander (Ambystoma californiense) that have not hybridized with tiger salamanders introduced from Texas and other western states to much of the Sierra de Salinas. Most of Hastings has not been grazed for 60 years, and the reserve is home to several rare, unplowed native perennial grasslands. This area is of high conservation interest focused on the vernal pools and oak woodlands.
The Tack Room and Scott Cabin are historic buildings, dating from the 1860's and continue to be used for storing historic ranch items and field equipment.
From: Hastings Natural History Reservation http://www.hastingsreserve.org/HistoryWebHNHR/OverviewHNHR.html
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