This will be accomplished by cutting a “diversion channel” (also called a bypass channel) through the narrow ridge separating the two waterways, approximately one-half mile upstream of the dam (Label #1).
The diversion channel would be cut by a combination of blasting and ripping the rock. Rock excavated from the diversion channel would then be used to create structure that would block the river from entering the sediment disposal area and divert it into the newly cut diversion channel. This structure, the “diversion dike”, would essentially be a new ridge cutting across the valley floor (Label #2).
Once the sediment excavation and stream restoration is complete, the dam will be demolished. The concrete rubble will be used to help stabilize the sediment stockpile and the diversion dam. All concrete rubble will be used on site. "
From California State Coastal Conservancy: http://www.scc.ca.gov/
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